Rhetoric vs. Reality: Liberal Protest of Gov. Walker's Budget

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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Iraq Vet Assaulted at Strickland Event video. Coffee poured on his back

Come out ,come out were ever you are. The Sheriff is looking forward to meeting you. What a looney....

Can this Man Unseat Barney Frank video

Barney Frank, it's time for the people of Massachusetts to stand up and vote this man out..

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pamela Gellar and Bob Beckel Mosque Contentions fire off - Fox News September 2010

This interview about the mosque on ground zero is flaring to a none stop level. Nothing good can come from this. Now Imam Rauf and company are rolling the dice.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Alan Grayson Ad - AbarASSment to Democrates-Know the Truth video 09-28-10

On this video you can see the out-right out of context Alan Greyson and his AD has committed. Alan Greyson to any right minded American needs to go. To cut out what Dan actually said and then to take it one step futher and say he said wives submit.. context,context,context...

Monday, September 27, 2010

Congressman Pence on Meet The Press 09-26-10 Sunday.

Congress Pence stands firm on the American Contract Values. This is what it's all
about. Not some new formula but to get back to the old foundation that worked for our country. Do these libs think there's something new under the sun No it's just a word game. Conservatives are conservatives by principles.

Boehner on FOX News Sunday: Pledge to America is "About Now"

John Boehner talks on Fox news sunday "FNS". On why the pledge was needed for America

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Breitbart confirms from Bill Maher Mouth I am a Socialist

Bill Maher How does it feel to come out of the closet with the American people. Just think, if it wasn't for Obama you would still be hiding.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Kevin McCarthy: Paul Ryan Will Outsmart Obama Every Time

Paul Ryan a class act congress man. This man always stays on the offense when debating the conservative way. Just like President Reagan.

Rand Paul Confident Ahead in Kentucky video & Sean Hannity 09-24-10.flv

New Black Pamthers Voter Intimidation Allegations video streaming 1 & 2. Hearing

 CLICK CLICK here on Link
 Video streaming full video on Black Panthers 09-24-10
Christopher, Coates, the former head of the Justice Department’s Civil Right’s Voting Division, testified about charges that the New Black Panther Party intimidated Philadelphia voters in the 2008 election. The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights is investigating allegations

Friday, September 24, 2010

Donald Trump on CNN talks Obam can't. Trump Tea Party good. Trump Business and China all n one video

Trump know United States is headed in the wrong direction with Obama. Tea Party strong. Business can't work in this type of atmosphere. Just a all around good take on truth.

Citizen Assaulted for Filming Governor John Kitzhaber Event

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Rep. Paul Ryan on Good Morning America video staraight talk – 9_23_10 .flv

Ryan coming out with a clear head and true vision for the American People. On Good Morning America he shoots straight... This is running a little slow I apoligize

Governor Christie: Put Up or Shut Up

Christie says put up or shut up. It's like this down to earth business man knows what being a conservative is all about. That 2 nd nature kicks in.

Ohio Dem Chair Calls Tea Partiers -F---- word

Thanks to real clear politics for video.

Republicans, GOP Contract To America video Watch who's Running out of closets. 09-22-10

Look who's running like a chicken with his head cut off. Ed show that's not tax cuts for the rich. Americans call that tax cuts for the job creators of this Republic. Rachel Maddow Obama care really! No Dem is running on that ride. Not even Dean wants to talk about that...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Gop Contract for America is Here video

1 Million Dollars Anonymous To Tea Party video.

One million dollars given to Tea Party movement. A set of Ideas.

Christine O'Donnell Speaks Out on Sean Hannity 09-21-10 after many days of news feed.

Christine O'Donnell lets the issues run on main agenda. What I'm going to do for Delaware and the Country. The personal attacks will have to take a seat...

Obama’s Recess-Appointed Medicare Czar Refuses to Answer Questions. Why

It's been three months now since his recess appointment, and still no word from the new CMS director, Donal Berwick. In fact, Berwick hasn't granted any interviews, refuses to testify before Congress, and doesn't take any questions at public events. Donald Berwick oversees the healthcare spending for one-in-three Americans

Rand Paul Tax Cuts Yes Spending Cuts video Lets Do It. 09-20-10 .

This is what Ron Paul is all about. Cuts for What Obama has called rich " the small business growth machine". You say you want to cut spending by all means lets do it.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Miller of Alaska Answers Murkowski's Ride in ,write in silliness 09-20-10 video.

Freedom Watch- Tea Party Tidal Wave & The God Father Jim Demint. Sarah Palin & Rand Paul .

Jim Demint does not back down on this Tea Party movement. Instead he's steadfast on the principles ..

Women Tired of Defending Obama. Town Hall Meeting video 09-20-10.flv

I didn't put more video because Obama answers without a answer. You know Like he does Blah blah blah blah on and on ..

Michelle Malkin Pushes. Helps Karl Rove Off the Edge- Christine O'Donnell

Michelle Malkin just a bit lit up on how Karl Rove goes after O'Donnell. Sean Hannity has nothing else to say.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Freedom Watch Part 1 - Sarah Palin,Rand Paul And Jim Demint video

Judge Andrew Napolitano puts on a show on Freedom Watch. It just don't get any better!

Michele Bachmann Values Voter Summit 2010 Full Video.

Names Like:Sean Hannity, Mike Huckabee, David Limbaugh, MIke Pence, Michele Bachmann, Jim Demint, Christine O'Donnell

Protesters at ‘Anti-Hate’ Rally Call Breitbart Homosexual, Spit on Him

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Obama Leaves "By their Creator" Out of Declaration of Independence at Hispanic Caucus Speech

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights

Sarah Palin at Iowa GOP Reagan Dinner 9-17-10 P2. Full Video

Sarah Palin at Iowa GOP Reagan Dinner 9-17-10 P1. of 2 Full Video

Christine O'Donnell 2010 Values Voter Summit 09-17-10. full Video

Friday, September 17, 2010

Fire From the Heartland video

Fire From The Heartland from Citizens United on Vimeo.

Wellesley, Massachusetts Public School Students Learn to Pray to Allah in Mosque

Erickson Speaks Truth to CNN Politics - Obama Anti American.

Erickson pulls a great shout out to "Real Americans" and the distinction is clear..

Bill O Rielly Talks Christine O' Donnell and Odds video

O'Rielly asked the question on odds for Christine. I think the question should be is it worth the effort to get the machine to see we are tired of the same old blue dog types..

Thursday, September 16, 2010

DeMint- It's the People so I Support the will of the People - Not Washington.

De Mint is under a lot of pressure in supporting these Tea Party candidates. The establishment is pushing hard..

" Buck Up" says Sarah Palin to Karl Rove & Machine. video

Sarah Palin says it's time to put the People first. Lets move on to a victory.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Rubio Primary Speech n Victory video - Excellent Speech Articulate

Mexican Photographer Seeks Asylum For Life 0-9-15-10.

Mexico borders are not under control. Homeland security promotes this attitude all is well, not so..

Closer Evidence Imam Associated With Radicals -Ground Zero Mosque video

As the scrabble puzzle again unravels more and more links that this Imam is disinguiness ..

Young Guns - New Conservitives Going back to our Founders.

Ground Zero 9_11- A Book A Story A Man.

Identify with many Americans this man burned pages out of the Koran. It's not about a book it's larger than that. It's a principle. Let Freedom reign

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Video Christine O'Donnell Victory Speech- A Cause not a Campaign 09-13-10

They said it couldn't be done. What a victory in Delaware! Once again its we the Americans.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Victims of 9/11 Ground Zero Speak Out on Imam Rauf Comments 09-09-10

She is right.If everything they want to do brings Radicals on board or risk of bombs. Where does this end. Maybe we shouldn't allow them to build if on their next sentence is watch out how you say this you could bring violence and It would be your fault..

Thursday, September 9, 2010

CNN A Threat Yes A Threat Abdul Rauf Look what Americans Radicals can Cause- Ground Zero 09-09-10.flv

Once again the pendulum turns to any American who will not let this mosque be built is a radical.
Rauf tries to say it sincere but nothing but fowel undertones ..

Americans- Ground Zero- Hollowed Ground- End of Story

Now the blame, kindly, has been given to us who believe Ground Zero should stay as a Hollowed Ground. We the radicals ...

Military burns unsolicited Bibles sent to Afghanistan.

The insult that takes place and what it takes to engage in measure for measure and weight for weight. They burned the bibles so easily, because their was no uproar from the Christians this was done in the name of peace. Where was the Whithouse,Hillary or President Obama.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Scooter Libby Comes out and Speaks by Monica Crowley From Bill O'Reilly 09_07_10

Scooter Libby talks about Iran and the nuclear threat. Also how Obama is handling this type of international delima.

Gov. Christie On More Stimulus- On Morning Joe 09-07-10

As Christie talks to morning Joe it's sure good to hear from him. He's willing to look at the whole picture still knowing it's a little to late.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

America Debt - U.S Students Debt is a Ticking Time Bomb.

Over $830 billion are owed by college students in the US with $3 thousand more added on every second. The most traditional financial baggage for Americans was credit card debt. For the first time, debt belonging to college students has over taken that number one spot. "Students graduating in 2008, 2009 and 2010 are facing the worst job markets in a generation at least

Friday, September 3, 2010

Hamas Vows to Launch Attacks Against Peace Talks

Hamas spokesman says "all options are open". This includes suicide bombing.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Just Say it Biden. The Surge, Bush was right.

The piece does go on. Although to get Biden to say anything good about Bush was fought with resistance.

Ann Coulter on Democrats' Election Troubles

Poor poll numbers pile on ahead of midterms

No Feeble Men Here "Religion Utmost"

No Feeble Men Here "Religion Utmost"

Hal Lindsey U S Meltdown Christains beware

Does God Exist Debate

Christopher Hitchens vs William Lane Craig

Glenn Beck with Miles McPherson from The Rock Church 09-03-10

Interview Chuck Missler on Cosent of Physics

Chuck Missler talks about science and physics does make God and the bible more profound.

A Muslim Student Challenges Ravi Zacharias

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