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Repeal Of Obamacare Petition

March 12, 2011 Read Letter be informed:
King & Bachmann: Continuing Resolution Must Defund ObamaCare Call Upon All House Members to Sign Pledge
Washington D.C.- Congressman Steve King (R-IA) and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) released the following pledge to House Republican Leadership calling for all $105.5 billion in automatic appropriations to ObamaCare to be struck by the FY11 CR. King and Bachmann call upon all Members of the U.S. House of Representatives to sign onto the pledge to vote "NO" on any continuing resolution proposal that does not include language that cuts off the automatic funding that was written into ObamaCare by the Pelosi Congress in 2010.
Letter that was sent to speaker: Click Here http://steveking.house.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=4126:king-a-bachmann-next-appropriations-bills-must-defund-obamacare&catid=71:2011-press-releases&Itemid=300164&Itemid=2

Rep. Steve King and I are collecting signatures from all Members of Congress on a letter to Speaker Boehner, Maj. Leader Cantor and Chair Rogers regarding the need to defund 
ObamaCare once and for all in the next CR vote. Has your member signed yet?
http://www.facebook.com/RepMicheleBachmann   Lots of information please read:

More than three-quarters of the needed members of the U.S. House of Representatives have signed onto a measure to have a new vote on Obamacare that essentially would allow the chamber to withdraw its approval of the law and begin the process of banishing it from American shores.

But another effort has enabled some 31,000 voices across America – so far – to offer their encouragement to members of the House who have yet to sign the discharge petition offered by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa.

The campaign is a petition drive that urges members of Congress to repeal Obamacare because of several problems:

* Whereas, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, approved by a narrow vote of the House of Representatives earlier this year, threatens to transform the U.S. health-care system from its roots in free enterprise and personal choice;
* Whereas, the act is unconstitutional because of its unprecedented requirement that Americans purchase a service;
* Whereas, the system the law would create is financially unsustainable, places personal medical decisions in the hands of bureaucrats and is likely to lead to rationing of health-care options;
* Whereas, the act is likely to result in forcing some 87 million Americans to drop their current health-care coverage;
* Whereas, the costs involved in complying with the law are likely to cost more Americans their jobs, inhibit the creation of new employment opportunities and suppress wages…

The petition drive was launched by Joseph Farah, founder and CEO of WorldNetDaily, who said the results are worthy of note already.

“This is a very impressive petition, but it will be much more impressive at 100,000 or 200,000 or 1 million,” he said. “We need people signing and spreading the news about this effort – news that has not been reported anywhere else expect at WND.”

The newest signatures added to the House discharge petition are Steven C. Latourette of Ohio, Dean Heller of Nevada and Peter T. King of New York.

“Who would have thought we might have a chance to repeal Obamacare – this term?” said Farah.

Farah’s public petition drive is intended to coalesce support for King’s measure.

The petition, with the addition of the newest three names, has 165 signatures of the 218 it would need to advance – even in the face of continued opposition from Obamacare promoter House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Under the provisions of the discharge procedures in the House, such a move is required to have the support of 218 members, a majority, of the 435-member chamber before moving forward.

But since it requires a majority, it is virtually assured of approval once it reaches the point of being advanced.

King has told WND the entire GOP leadership team in the House is on board, as well as the full delegations from California and Texas. He’s working on obtaining the last few GOP signatures before turning his attention to the Democrats.

All of the GOP representatives and 34 Democrats opposed Obamacare when it was passed on a narrow 219-212 vote earlier this year. King said 212 representatives, at least, should be in favor of overturning it, since they opposed it before.

Then it will be up to the four, five or six Democrat votes that would be needed to turn from endorsement to rejection for it to advance.

“This is starting to come together,” King told WND just days ago. “All the Republicans [earlier] voted no. We should all be for repeal.”

He said he’s counting on the 34 Democrats who voted no to “demonstrate the courage of their convictions” by supporting a repeal plan.

Many will be running for re-election, King noted, in districts where the majority of voters want the law repealed. And there are Democrats who voted for Obamacare who face election challenges in a field of voters irritated by the law’s new taxes and intrusions into their lives.

King told WND that if the discharge petition is successful, it will be a “resounding message” to Pelosi, who said Congress would have to vote for the health-care plan before people could know what was in it.

King’s plan is to “pull out by the roots” the legislation that, among other things, will require citizens to provide their “body-mass index” rating to the government and purchase “government-approved” health insurance whether they want it or not.

The proposal states:

“Pursuant to clause 2 of rule XV, I, Steve King of Iowa, move to discharge the Committees on Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means, Education and Labor, the Judiciary, Natural Resources, Rules, House Administration and Appropriations from the consideration of the bill (H.R. 4972) to repeal the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which was referred to said committees on March 25, 2010, in support of which motion the undersigned Members of the House of Representatives affix their signatures.”

Its target is the $940 billion, or greater, bill adopted by the Democrat-controlled Congress in March.

Advocates say constituents need to call their representatives to tell them to get on board right away so that the petition is positioned to move forward whether or not the GOP becomes the majority in the House after the 2010 fall elections.

King has explained, “Republicans are the proponents of limited government, personal responsibility and constitutional liberties, principles which ‘Obamacare’ violates. Recognizing this fact, every House Republican voted against ‘Obamacare’ just three months ago. Now that our repeal effort has been endorsed by House GOP leadership, House Republicans should stand by their votes by signing onto discharge petition No. 11.”

He said, “The American people did not want Obamacare passed, and they have consistently called for their representatives to show that they stand with them by repealing the legislation. Our discharge petition provides an avenue for repeal that even Speaker Pelosi cannot block. Republicans recognize that a clean, 100-percent repeal bill is the best strategy for uprooting ‘Obamacare’ lock, stock and barrel, and will continue to show their commitment to Obamacare’s repeal by quickly signing our discharge petition.”

Congressional officials said Pelosi, an adamant advocate for government-controlled health care, never would allow a vote on a plan to overturn Obamacare. But through the discharge-petition process in the House, if a majority of members sign on, she cannot stop it. It still would need to be moved through the Senate and, ultimately, the Oval Office, possibly by a veto override.

An inside congressional source told WND the pressure also will be on all other members as the November 2010 elections approach, since poll after poll has indicated a significant majority of Americans dislike Obamacare to the point of seeking its repeal.

The issue is expected to play a role in the elections, with voters, especially supporters of tea-party principles, calling on their representatives to stand up against what a multitude of lawsuits already are describing as an unconstitutional power grab by Democrats.

Both Democrats and Republicans will have to answer to voters on the issue, the source said.

And, whether the Republicans or the Democrats are in a majority after the fall elections, the petition will put the issue in a position to be forwarded immediately.

“This isn’t a battle we want to give up on,” the source told WND. “Obamacare needs to get pulled out by the roots.”

House members who previously endorsed King’s plan are: to see names and full article and sign petition. Go to:

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