Rhetoric vs. Reality: Liberal Protest of Gov. Walker's Budget

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Mark Levin Landmark Legal Foundation Briefing Against Obama Care Health Care video September 5, 2010.

To see briefing that was filed by Mark Levin and the" Landmark Legal foundation" go to link.http://landmarklegal.org
Case revolves around around Wicker vs Filburn 1942 Commerce Clause. Mark gives you insight of what has been going on in the courts. The inside talk. Awesome .. Not only that Arizona has ask Mark and the Landmark Legal Foundation to be apart of their team.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Exploit the Children Ad Climate Change " The Compassion "

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Proud Socialists March at Left-Wing Protest in DC One Nation Working

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Alan Grayson: Hates Children, Hates Seniors, Loves Satan Isn't that what he said

*Live Stream** video ‘One Nation Working Together’ Rally Washington DC –10-02-10






Here you can see all the unions who made their people show up. Got the buses and even paid for them to be at the rally. The Great ASTRO-TURF of America. Names of Groups who are affiliated:
Communist Party USA (CPUSA)

International Socialist Organization

Chicago Democratic Socialists of America


For the whole List:

Andrew Breitbart appeared on CNBC's Larry Kudlow Show video 10-1-09

Andrew Breitbart talks to the libs on how Obama is Anti-small business. They will have none of that. Shout out to Andrew your getting sharper..

Friday, October 1, 2010

Mark Levin confronts Gloria Allred over Allegations against GOP candidate Meg Whitman. p1

This is Part 2 please click click

Paladino says "I'll Take You Out" to Fred Dicker the Bias Journalist for Cuomo

There are some dirty politics coming from the left as we count down to November

No Feeble Men Here "Religion Utmost"

No Feeble Men Here "Religion Utmost"

Hal Lindsey U S Meltdown Christains beware

Does God Exist Debate

Christopher Hitchens vs William Lane Craig

Glenn Beck with Miles McPherson from The Rock Church 09-03-10

Interview Chuck Missler on Cosent of Physics

Chuck Missler talks about science and physics does make God and the bible more profound.

A Muslim Student Challenges Ravi Zacharias

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