Rhetoric vs. Reality: Liberal Protest of Gov. Walker's Budget

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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Ron Paul Opposes the Federal Reserve Campaign on Gold,Freddie and more..

Ron Paul has a real view discussion on why the reserve is so disturbing to the American way. He dives into the gold aspect of it. Then bounces into why Freddie is so anti-congruent. Finally why the economy is headed the wrong direction.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Judge Andrew Napolitino Talks the Commerce Clause & Regulations

The Commerce Clause is an enumerated power listed in the United States Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 3). The clause states that the United States Congress shall have power "To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes". Courts and commentators have tended to discuss each of these three areas of commerce as a separate power granted to Congress.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Glenn Beck Restore Honor Speech 8_28. Video

Sarah Palin Restor Honor Speech 8_28. full video

Friday, August 27, 2010

Jailed Muslims 'Being Converted To Terror' 1 of every 8

The Royal United Services Institute estimates one in eight of the 8,000 Muslims in high-security institutions have been converted to terrorism by extremists. Terror threat security expert Sajjan Gohel gives his view on the warning. Sky News

Thursday, August 26, 2010

War Planes, American Flag in Iraq war, 6 Pilots to Honor Rush Limbaugh p.2.

This is a story of Rush Limbaugh getting a Fed ex delivery of an American flag folded properly,certificates with pictures of war planes, a spectacular Family and a very brave boy. (to see part one go to bottom of page for you tube site: Freedomnamerica )

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Glenn Beck 08-25-10

Glenn Beck exposes Media Matters on their "double take" lie on the Imam. Media Matters calls out Glen Beck of hating Muslims, than with the same video taken only a couple of years earlier they now say Glen endorses the Imam. This is just the start. Take a look

HOLOCAUST SURVIVER GETS CURSED OUT By who of course a tolerent Liberal

A holocaust surviver is cursed out by a left wing nut at the rally against the ground zero mosque, August 22, 2010.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Glenn Beck 08-24-10

Glenn Beck absolutely nails it about the Imam and how his wife see's through her eyes that all Americans who resist the Mosque are guilty of "Hatred" towards Muslims. Yet it's these same fundamental rights that let us ask concerned questions. The last time we went with run state news we got the one and only Obama.

Restoring Honor 8/28: Al Sharpton vs Glenn Beck!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Yup Parents it's Coming to a Town Near You, "Sex Ed In First Grade"

Parents keep your eyes and ears open. Sex ed in the First Grade. To teach us how to raise our kids. This kind of spew has been coming out of the Whitehouse and Plant Parenthood. But now the reality is knocking on our doors.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

FDIC Closes ShoreBank- Now to Reopen ShoreBank as" Urban Partnership Bank "

Here is Big Government putting the keys back into the hands of the people who drove it in the ditch in the first place. Obamanomics

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Hey Harry Reid, Reid Make the Call Heeee's Oout! ....,Achor Baby Legal or Illegal

Bill O'Reilly shows a clip of Harry Reid in 1993. Harry Reid finds himself in a dilemma. Reid Confesses there is no way to reconcile an illegal immigrant becoming an American citizen. But after years of left-wing convictions he now comes out and apologizes for wanting to do the right thing.

And Now We're Headed For The GREATEST Depression, Says Gerald Celente

The fake "recovery" was nice while it lasted, says famous apocalyptic forecaster Gerald Celente, founder of the Trends Research Institute. But now the fun's over, and we're headed for what Celente describes as the "Greatest Depression."

Friday, August 20, 2010

Glenn Beck 08-19-10-A

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Rush Limbaugh is Obama a Christain! Where's the Evidence 08-19-10

Glenn Beck 08-18-10-A

Sean Hannity 77 DAYS .........

Their One Rule Party. How Arrogant the've Gotton. Sean says it use to be: Government is of and by and for the people. Now government is of and by and for Obama. Derisive is a understatement.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Freedom Watch Abolish the Creature Federal Reserve Y or N.

This is a good take on the Island of Jekyll. Where and why the monster was created. As Judge Napolitano puts it. Anything that has so much secrecy about everything it's about, must not be good for Americans.

Glenn Beck 08-16-10-A

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Anita Dunn (Mao) Obama & Mosque Video. Presidency Dowm 2012 Video

Anita Hill says no tolerance for Americans and more power to the mosque. Also gives her point on Obama's lack of..... we'll you fill in the blank.

Mark Levin Expounds on 14 th Amendment- Does it confer.

Mark Levin talks the 14th Amendment the way he can only do. The amendment is in place we just need some back bone from our electives.

Sean Hannity invites Walid to Expose 911 Mosque & Imam Rauf.

Walid a Former PLO Terrorist. First act of terrorism he planted Bomb. Also was involved of lynching Israeli soldier. Walid speaks out to America.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Freedom Watch Are Guns a Check for Government

Judge Napolitano debates on Freedom Watch.
Are Guns a Check for Government. Professor Walter Williams makes a clear argument
for the people to bare arms. The Lady guest makes the assumption
that Tyrants could never come from the U.S.A.
Yea,What world does she live in!

Martial Law in Ontario. A need of security brings a loss of Liberty

A man who was charged for a crime called" Public Works Protection Act" that somehow got past through legislation appeared in court. To find out not only was the charges dropped but they said the paper worked had disappeared. The mans Lawyer believed his clients Charter Rights were taken away.How close is America following Canada. The more we ask for "Big Government" the less liberties we have.

Where is the American Muslims sensitivity to What their American Brothers are going through. Do you still want to build a Mosque on Ground Zero.

What does Tim brown have to say.
Tim Brown retired New York Firefighter. Memories of 93 friends from Ground Zero.
He says it's not about freedom of religion. This is were the argument takes place for those Muslims who want to build on Ground Zero. The truth is the uproar is against those who would take lightly the men and women who died. Also, families who are still going through the on- going pain of 9/11. So the question remains, were is the American Muslims sensitivity, to what their American brothers are going through.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Full 10 Minutes Video- Obama's Double Tongue. Welcomes Building Mosque - on Hollow Ground. Ground Zero

Obama's Double Face. Welcomes Mosque, on Hollow Ground. Ground Zero No Shocker!

This video is about 3 minutes but does have context of video.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Ann Coulter and the Roger Hedgecock show Talk 14th Amendment & Anchor Babies.

The argument of the 14th amendment needs to be looked at once again through
spectacles of context and history. Being born in United States of America while
having Parents who have allegiance to another country. This should not make a person or baby automatically a natural born citizen of America.

Bill Mc Collum takes Immigration On & Runs Gubernatorial in Florida

Obama's worst President Ever- AD from Ben Quale AZ. Congressional Candidate

Nuclear plant in Iran. Powering up August 21,2010

Truth about Lies fox news

Thursday, August 12, 2010

BREAKING: GM CEO Ed Whitacre To Step Down September 1st

General Motors CEO Ed Whitacre will step down as CEO on September 1st, with GM board member Dan Akerson replacing him. Whitacre will remain with GM as chairman until 2011, at which point Akerson will assume that role as well.

“My goal in coming to General Motors was to help restore profitability, build a strong market position, and position this iconic company for success,” said Whitacre. “We are clearly on that path. A strong foundation is in place and I am comfortable with the timing of my decision.”
Hit the jump to read the official press release
DETROIT – General Motors today said that Edward E. Whitacre, Jr. will step down as chief executive officer on September 1, 2010, and as chairman of the board by the end of the year, having successfully led the company’s return to profitability after the most turbulent period in its history.
Earlier today, GM reported its second consecutive quarter of profits after a string of losses dating back to 2007.
Dan Akerson, 61, who has served on the GM board of directors since July 2009, will become CEO on September 1 and chairman by the end of the year, ensuring a smooth transition and continued positive momentum for company.
“My goal in coming to General Motors was to help restore profitability, build a strong ... article @ http://www.autoguide.com/auto-news/2010/08/breaking-gm-ceo-ed-whitacre-to-step-down-september-1st.html
A Look Back in May 2010 with GMC:
A Look back at time.GMC Government Commercial Lies to the American People about payback May 2010.

Gibbs Needs to be Fired says Rep. Alan Grayson

The House is burning and who will be able to put out the fire! Each Demigod that is in-branched by it's counter parts now stands alone. In other words, has been Cut- Off!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Mark Levin Defends America for Progress as Obama puts a boot on their Throat.

The President at a DNC Finance Event in Austin, Texas August 9,2010 makes unfamiliar comments coming from a President of the United States. Last Night Mark Levin shoved him against a rock and a hard place. Here is some of Obama's comments.

Right now all around this country there are groups with harmless-sounding names like Americans for Prosperity, who are running millions of dollars of ads against Democratic candidates all across the country. And they don't have to say who exactly the Americans for Prosperity are. You don't know if it’s a foreign-controlled corporation. You don't know if it’s a big oil company, or a big bank. You don't know if it’s a insurance company that wants to see some of the provisions in health reform repealed because it’s good for their bottom line, even if it’s not good for the American people.

Marco Rubio To Harry Reid's Outrageous Remarks. Out of Touch

Glenn Beck 08-10-10-D

watch Part A & B on Youtube:at freedomnamerica go to bottom of page.(footer)

Glenn Beck 08-10-10-C

Part A & B watch at:Youtube - freedomnamerica in search engine

Crowded Lines for Section 8 Housing - Obama economics. Housing vouchers gets crowed. Housing help on Section 8

Crowds Lines for Section 8 Housing - Obama economics

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

CNN Has Worst Prime Time Ratings Finish – Behind CNBC – Since February

Cable news ratings, August 9, 2010: Check out the highlights, and see the full ratings below:

• CNN finished in fifth place in the prime time A25-54 demographic Monday night – the first time it finished behind CNBC (and the rest of the cablers) since February, when CNBC was airing Olympics coverage. Larry King was a rerun.

• Keith Olbermann topped CNN and HLN at both 8pm and 10pmET, in both total viewers and the demo. By Steve Krakauer to see the full details of Numbers and report go to:

Lincoln Memorial in Washington D.C. Student told Stop singing Anthem

Public Utility Con-Ed own's Partial Land for Mosque N.Y.flv

A tense Talk with Congressman and ranking Republican on the House Homeland Security Committee Peter King."All Props for King."

Robin Carnahan campaign apologizes for attack.

It seems that one of their campaign’s guys (Kansas City Councilman Bill Skaggs) got a little grabby and profane with a Republican video tracker. By that I mean that Skaggs apparently laid hands on the video tracker, threatened him, swore at him (not bleeped out on the video below, so keep that in mind), and called him ‘boy’*. Funny how these people hate being on the receiving end of the exact same observation tactics that they so exhaustively used in years past, isn’t it? To read all article@ http://www.redstate.com/

Bill O'Reilly Shoots Straight with Nihad Awad On Ground Zero Mosque

Sarah Palin Sold to America. Aren't we all! 08-08-10

Monday, August 9, 2010

Meet the Press with Boehner on - GOP Agenda p.2.flv

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Glenn Beck 08-06-10-D

Glenn Beck 08-06-10-C

Friday, August 6, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Debate with RTV Anchor onesided .flv

This could of got ugly with RTV lady pulling out all the punches,out of context, to bring no point at all. Yes,Free Speech is a must, to "tolerate a Mosque" for the sake of Americans who died, on their soil. Who died needlessly, for terror- must not be valid. This is the USA, they are hoping "we the people", will forget.

Mike Huckabee David Barton Founders of the Constitution.flv

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Glenn Beck 08-05-10-D

Glenn Beck 08-05-10-C

Mark Levin on California same sex marriage ruling 08-04-10 p.2

O'Reilly -ACLU Defending Al Qaeda and No Drone Attacks 08-04-10 p 2

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Glenn Beck 08-04-10-D

Glenn Beck 08-04-10-C

Ron Paul repeal Bill. Freedom of Information Act. The Transparency Act 2010

“It is unfortunate, yet not unexpected, that legislation touted as fixing problems with the banking system actually makes them worse and provides more cover and power for organizations that failed us like the SEC and the Fed,” Paul said in introducing the bill. “I expect in the coming weeks and months that many more harmful provisions like this will come to light and it will take quite a bit of work to undo the damage from this massive and misguided legislation.”article@ http://www.ronpaul.com/2010-07-30/ron-paul-introduces-sec-transparency-act-of-2010/

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Glenn Beck 08-03-10-D

Glenn Beck 08-03-10-C

Rush Limbaugh clarifies Cojones stated by Sarah Palin 08-02-10

Rand Paul responds to DNC's latest smear tactic

Monday, August 2, 2010

Glenn Beck-08-02-10-D

Glenn Beck-08-02-10-C

Judge Napolitano Talks about Judge Refuses to Dismiss Case on ObamaCare in Virginia 8-10

A federal judge ruled Monday that a Virginia lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare may proceed.
U.S. District Court Judge Henry E. Hudson denied the Obama Administration's request to dismiss the lawsuit filed by Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli in March.
The ruling was greeted favorably by Cuccinelli, who defended Virginia's lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare's individual mandate provision in court on July 1.
"We survived the fight another day," Cuccinelli said. "We've won this round we recognize there are plenty of rounds next to go. I'd rather go to round two having won round one, than the other way around." article @:http://www.humanevents.com/article.php?id=38367

PETE STARK yes Federal Government can do almost anything to Americans

On July 24, Congressman Pete Stark (D-Cali) held a town hall meeting in Hayward, California where he responded to questions concerning ObamaCare and the limits of federal government power. According to Stark, the federal government has the power to do basically anything it wants. brief article @:http://www.freedomworks.org/blog/jborowski/pete-stark-at-town-hall-federal-government-can-do

No Feeble Men Here "Religion Utmost"

No Feeble Men Here "Religion Utmost"

Hal Lindsey U S Meltdown Christains beware

Does God Exist Debate

Christopher Hitchens vs William Lane Craig

Glenn Beck with Miles McPherson from The Rock Church 09-03-10

Interview Chuck Missler on Cosent of Physics

Chuck Missler talks about science and physics does make God and the bible more profound.

A Muslim Student Challenges Ravi Zacharias

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