Rhetoric vs. Reality: Liberal Protest of Gov. Walker's Budget

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Monday, August 16, 2010

Martial Law in Ontario. A need of security brings a loss of Liberty

A man who was charged for a crime called" Public Works Protection Act" that somehow got past through legislation appeared in court. To find out not only was the charges dropped but they said the paper worked had disappeared. The mans Lawyer believed his clients Charter Rights were taken away.How close is America following Canada. The more we ask for "Big Government" the less liberties we have.


No Feeble Men Here "Religion Utmost"

No Feeble Men Here "Religion Utmost"

Hal Lindsey U S Meltdown Christains beware

Does God Exist Debate

Christopher Hitchens vs William Lane Craig

Glenn Beck with Miles McPherson from The Rock Church 09-03-10

Interview Chuck Missler on Cosent of Physics

Chuck Missler talks about science and physics does make God and the bible more profound.

A Muslim Student Challenges Ravi Zacharias

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