Rhetoric vs. Reality: Liberal Protest of Gov. Walker's Budget

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Glenn Beck 08-25-10

Glenn Beck exposes Media Matters on their "double take" lie on the Imam. Media Matters calls out Glen Beck of hating Muslims, than with the same video taken only a couple of years earlier they now say Glen endorses the Imam. This is just the start. Take a look


No Feeble Men Here "Religion Utmost"

No Feeble Men Here "Religion Utmost"

Hal Lindsey U S Meltdown Christains beware

Does God Exist Debate

Christopher Hitchens vs William Lane Craig

Glenn Beck with Miles McPherson from The Rock Church 09-03-10

Interview Chuck Missler on Cosent of Physics

Chuck Missler talks about science and physics does make God and the bible more profound.

A Muslim Student Challenges Ravi Zacharias

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